First INseaPTION kick-off meeting

The kick-off meeting of the INSeaPTION project has taken place in Paris, on 8-10 November 2017


The project partners have officially launched the INSeaPTION project in Paris on 8 to 10 November 2018. The starting point of the discussion was the analysis of the decision context of adaptation practitioners, as well as the practical organization of the co-design of coastal climate services in the 3 case studies (Global, Maldives and French Polynesia). Furthermore, the participant shared knowledge regarding sea level rise, extreme water levels and wave, shoreline changes and coastal risks as well as the social and economic dimension of adaptation. The meeting gathered 18 scientists and engineers from the Global Climate Forum (Germany), CREOCEAN (France), the Universities of La Rochelle (France), Utrecht (The Netherlands), of Balearic Islands (Spain) as well as BRGM. The next milestone of the project will be a first set of stakeholders workshops in the two regional case studies (Maldives and French Polynesia). These workshops are scheduled in February and March 2018.

We thank all the participants to this meeting and those who could not attend for their commitment in the preparation of these workshops.

BY: Le Cozannet Goneri (BRGM)

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